Bibliography on Software Architecture Analysis

  1. R. Balzer, "Instrumenting, Monitoring and Debugging Software Architectures."

  2. P. Bengtsson and J. Bosch, "Scenario-Based Software Architecture Reengineering," Proc. 5th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR5), pp.308-317, IEEE Computer Society Press, Victoria, B.C, Canada, June 1998.

  3. P. Bengtsson, "Towards Maintainability Metrics on Software Architecture: An Adaptation of Object-Oriented Metrics," Firsrt Nordic Workshop on Software Architecture (NOSA'98), Ronneby, August 1998.

  4. P. Bengtsson and J. Bosch, "Architecture Level Prediction of Software Maintenance," Proc. 3rd European Conference on Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR99) , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 1999.

  5. K. S. Barber and A. Lakshmanan, "Analysis of Software Architectures to Generate Test Sequences," Proc. 14th International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications (ICSSEA 2001), Paris, France, December 2001.

  6. L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman, "Software Architecture in Practice," Published by Addison-Wesley in the SEI Series, 1998.

  7. A. Bertolino, P. Inverardi, H. Muccini, and A. Rosetti, "An Approach to Integration Testing Based on Architectural Descriptions," Proc. Third IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS97), pp.77-84, Como, Italy, September 1997.

  8. A. Bertolino, F. Corradini, P. Inverardi, and H. Muccini, "Deriving Test Plans from Architectural Descriptions," Proc. 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'2000) , pp.220-229, Limerick, Ireland, June 2000.

  9. G. Canfora, A. De Lucia, G. di Lucca, and A. Fasolino, "Recovering the Architectural Design for Software Comprehension," Proc. IEEE Third Workshop on Program Comprehension, Washington, DC, November 1994.

  10. S. J. Carriere and R. Kazman, "The Perils of Reconstructing Architectures," Proc. 3rd International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW3), pp.13-16, ACM SIGSOFT, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 1998.

  11. S. J. Carriere, R. Kazman, and S. Woods, "Assessing and Maintaining Architectural Quality," Proc. 3rd European Conference on Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR99) , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 1999.

  12. P. Clements, R. Krut, E. Morris, and K. Wallnau, "The Gadfly: An Approach to Architectural-Level System Comprehension," Proc. 4th International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC96), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.178-186, 1996.

  13. M. Dias, M. Vieira, and D. J. Richardson, "Software Architecture Analysis based on Statechart Semantics," Proc. 10th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-10), San Diego, CA, November 2000.

  14. D. Garlan, "Software Architecture: a Roadmap," The Future of Software Engineering, ACM Press, pp.91-101, 2000.

  15. J. F. Girard and R. Koschke, "Finding Components in a Hierarchy of Modules: A Step towards Architectural Understanding," Proc. International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM97), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.58-65, Bari, Italy, October 1997.

  16. G. Y. Guo, J. M. Atlee, and R. Kazman, "A Software Architecture Reconstruction Method," Proc. First Working IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA1), San Antonio, TX, USA, February 1999.

  17. D. Harris, H. Reubenstein, and A. S. Yeh, "Reverse Engineering to the Architectural Level," Proc. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE95), pp.186-195, IEEE Computer Society Press, July 1995.

  18. S. Henry and D. Kafura, "Software Structure Metrics Based on Information Flow," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 7(5), September 1981.

  19. P. Inverardi and A. L. Wolf, "Formal Specification and Analysis of Software Architectures using the Chemical Abstract Machine Model," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 21(4):373--386, April 1995.

  20. Z. Jin, A. J. Offutt, A. Abdurazik, and E. L. White, "Analyzing Software Architecture Descriptions to Generate System-level Tests," Workshop on Evaluating Software Architectural Solutions 2000 (WESAS), Irvine, CA, May 2000.

  21. R. Kazman, "Tool Support for Architectural Analysis and Design," Proc. 2nd Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW2), pp.94-97, San Francisco, CA, October 1996.

  22. R. Kazman, G. Abowd, L. Bass, and P. Clements, "Scenario-Based Analysis of Software Architecture," IEEE Software, pp.47-55, November 1996.

  23. R. Kazman and M. Burth, "Assessing Architectural Complexity," Proc. 2nd Euromicro Working Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR98), pp.104-112, IEEE Computer Society Press, Florence, Italy, March 1998.

  24. R. Kazman and S. J. Carriere, "View Extraction and View Fusion in Architectural Understanding," Proc. 5th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR5), pp.290-299, IEEE Computer Society Press, Victoria, B.C, Canada, June 1998.

  25. R. Kazman, M. Klein, M. Barbacci, H. Lipson, T. Longstaff, and S. J. Carriere, "The Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method," Proc. Fourth IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS98), pp.68-78, Montery, USA, August 1998.

  26. R. Kazman, S. Woods, and S. J. Carriere, "Requirements for Integrating Software Architecture and Reengineering Models: CORUM II", Proc. 5th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE98), pp.154-163, Honolulu, HI, October 1998.

  27. R. Kazman and S. J. Carriere, Playing Detective: Reconstructing Software Architecture from Available Evidence", Journal of Automated Software Engineering, April 1999. (to appear)

  28. T. H. Kim, Y. T. Song, L. Chung, and D. Huynh, "Software Architecture Analysis Using Dynamic Slicing", Proc. AoM/IAoM CS'99, Auguest 1999.

  29. T. H. Kim, Y. T. Song, L. Chung, and D. Huynh, "Dynamic Software Architecture Slicing", Proc. 23th IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC99), October 1999. (to appear)

  30. J. Kramer and J. Magee, "Analysing Dynamic Change in Software Architectures: A Case Study", Proc. IEEE 4th International Conference on Configurable Distributed Systems (CDS 98), pp.91-100, Annapolis, May 1998.

  31. R.L. Krikhaar, R.P. de Jong, J.P. Medema, and L.M.G. Feijs, "Architecture Comprehension Tools for a PBX System", Proc. 3rd European Conference on Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR99) , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 1999.

  32. Nico Lassing, D. Rijsenbrij, and H. Vliet, "Towards a broader view on software architecture analysis of flexibility," Proc. the Asian-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'99),1999.

  33. Nico Lassing, D. Rijsenbrij, and H. Vliet, "On software architecture analysis of flexibility, Complexity of changes: Size isn't everything," Proc. the second Nordic Software Architecture Workshop (NOSA'99),1999.

  34. D.C. Luckham, J.J. Kenney, L.M. Augustin, J. Vera, D. Bryan, and W. Mann, "Specification and Analysis of System Architecture Using Rapide," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.21, No.4, pp.336-355, April 1995.

  35. C. H. Lung, S. Bot, K. Kalaichelvan, and R. Kazman, "An Approach to Software Architecture Analysis for Evolution and Reusability," Proc. of CASCON '97, November 1997.

  36. C. H. Lung and K. Kalaichelvan, "A Quantitative Approach to Software Architecture Sensitivity Analysis", Proc. of the 10th Internationall Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pp. 185-192, June 1998.

  37. C. H. Lung, "Software Architecture Recovery and Restructuring through Clustering Techniques," Proc. 3rd International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW3), pp.101-104, ACM SIGSOFT, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 1998.

  38. J. Magee, J. Kramer, and D. Giannakopoulou, "Analysing the Behaviour of Distributed Software Architectures: a Case Study", Proc. 5th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends in Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS97), pp.240-247, Tunisia, October 1997.

  39. J. Magee, J. Kramer, and D. Giannakopoulou, "Software Architecture Directed Behavior Analysis," Proc. Ninth International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD9), pp.144-146, IEEE Computer Society Press, Ise-Shima, Japan, April 1998.

  40. J. Magee, J. Kramer and D. Giannakopoulou, "Behaviour Analysis of Software Architectures" Proc. First Working IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA1), San Antonio, Texas, February 1999.

  41. T. J. McCabe and C. W. Butler, "Design Complexity Measurement and Testing," Communications of ACM, Vol.32, No.12, pp.1415-1425, 1989.

  42. G. Naumovich, G.S. Avrunin, L.A. Clarke, and L.J. Osterweil, "Applying Static Analysis to Software Architectures," Proc. the Sixth European Software Engineering Conference Held Jointly with the 5th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, pp.77-93, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.1301, Springer-Verlag, 1997.

  43. D. E. Perry and A. L. Wolf, ``Foundations for the Study of Software Architecture'', ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, pp.40-52, Vol.17, No.4, October 1992.

  44. J. Peterson and M. Sulzmann, "Analysis of Architectures using Constraint-Based Types," Proc. First Working IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA1), San Antonio, TX, USA, February 1999.

  45. M. D. Rice and S. B. Seidman, "An Approach to Architectural Analysis and Testing," Proc. 3rd International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW3), pp.121-123, ACM SIGSOFT, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 1998.

  46. D.J. Richardson and A. L. Wolf, "Software Testing at the Architectural Level," Proc. 2nd International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW2), pp.68-71, San Francisco, California, October 1996.

  47. M. Shaw and D. Garlan, "Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline," Prentice Hall, 1996.

  48. Mark Shereshevsky, Habib Ammari, Nicholay Gradetsky, Ali Mili, and Hany H. Ammar, "Information Theoretic Metrics for Software Architectures," Proc. 25th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'01), pp.151-157, Chicago, USA, October 2001.

  49. J.A. Stafford, D.J. Richardson, and A. L. Wolf, "Chaining: A Software Architecture Dependence Analysis Technique," Technical Report CU-CS-845-97, University of Colorado, September 1997.

  50. J.A. Stafford, D.J. Richardson, and A. L. Wolf, "Aladdin: A Tool for Architecture-level Dependence Analysis of Software Systems," University of Colorado Technical Report, CU-CS-858-98, 1998.

  51. J.A. Stafford and A. L. Wolf, "Architectural-level Dependence Analysis in Support of Software Maintenance," Proc. 3rd International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW3), pp.129-132, ACM SIGSOFT, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 1998.

  52. J.A. Stafford and A. L. Wolf, "Architecture-Level Dependence Analysis for Software Systems," International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.11, No.4, pp.431-453, August 2001.

  53. W. Tracz, "Testing and Analysis of Software Architectures," Proc. ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA96), S.Diego, USA, January 1996.

  54. V. Tzerpos and R.C. Holt, "The Orphan Adoption problem in Architecture Maintenance," Proc. Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE97), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 1997.

  55. C. Williams, "Software Architecture: Implications for Computer Science Research," Proc. First Working IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA1), San Antonio, TX, USA, February 1999.

  56. J. Zhao, "Software Architecture Slicing," Proc. 14th Conference of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST'97), pp.49-52, Ishikawa, Japan, September 1997.

  57. J. Zhao, "Using Dependence Analysis to Support Software Architecture Understanding," in M. Li (Ed.), "New Technologies on Computer Software," pp.135-142, International Academic Publishers, September 1997.

  58. J. Zhao, "Slicing Software Architectures," Technical-Report SE-97-117, pp.85-92, Information Processing Society of Japan, November 1997.

  59. J. Zhao, "Applying Slicing Technique to Software Architectures," Proc. Fourth IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS98), pp.87-98, August 1998.

  60. J. Zhao, "On Assessing the Complexity of Software Architectures," Proc. 3rd International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW3), pp.163-166, ACM SIGSOFT, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 1998.

  61. J. Zhao, "A Slicing-Based Approach to Extracting Reusable Software Architectures," Proc. 4th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pp.215-223, IEEE Computer Society Press, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2000.

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